Chrome Diopside and Jewelry Industry in China - 2018

1. Loose Chrome Diopside for Wholesale Price: Weight of 4-6ct, A Color, 50 - 100RMB/ct.

2. Guangzhou is the manufacturing center for gem jewelry, include chrome diopside jewelry in gold and silver(Au925), there are over 5-6 cutting factories and workshops for chrome diopside. A lot of jewelry factories can produce jewelry with chrome diopside easily.

If you want to buy loose Chrome Diopside in wholesale price or make custom cutting for chrome diopside, want to purchase or produce chrome diopside jewelry. just contact me. I am glad to work with your order. As a gemstone broker in Guangzhou, have good relation with many gem and jewelry manufacturers who do chrome diopside business(Include loose chrome diopside stone, chrome diopside rings, pendants, necklaces, earrings and bracelets).